What is AWEI Platinum Status?

Annual Platinum status is the highest obtainable recognition within the AWEI. It acknowledges the highest levels of performance within the AWEI over a sustained period of time. Employers qualify for Platinum recognition by achieving AWEI Gold Tier for four out of the last 5 successive years, or by being awarded Employer of the Year twice within that period.

Once an employer qualifies for Platinum Employer recognition, they may choose to maintain their Platinum status by continuing the AWEI Submission process indefinitely, or they may opt to shift their focus to a workplace Platinum Project.

Organisations may alternate between workplace projects and AWEI Submissions, and a full Submission (both Foundation and Advanced) must be completed at least once every 3-year iteration where Gold Tier Status is obtained.

Current and Continued Platinum EmployersHistorical Platinum Employers
AGL Energy
Australian Taxation Office
Clayton Utz
Deutsche Bank (Small Employer)
EY Oceania
Queensland Department of Education
QBE Insurance
RMIT University
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
UNSW Sydney
Woolworths Group
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Goldman Sachs
Macquarie Group
The University of Western Australia

What is a Platinum Project?

Learn more about Platinum Projects here.

How can organisations achieve Platinum Tier Recognition?

In order to obtain this prestige recognition, organisations must obtain be acknowledged as those whose commitment to LGBTQ workplace inclusion is for the long-term. This can be achieved by:

  • obtaining Gold Tier Status within the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) for four out of the last five years of submissions; or
  • by winning Employer of the Year twice within the same five-year period

How can organisations maintain Platinum Tier Recognition?

Platinum status is ongoing across different iterations of the AWEI, as long as organisations achieve the criteria to maintain it.

Maintaining this status includes:

  • if continuing to submit an Index, Gold Tier Status is obtained for four out of the last five years of submissions;
  • after completing a Platinum Project cycle, an Index is submitted the following year
  • if taking a voluntary year off from Index submissions and opting not to do a Platinum Project, an Index must be submitted the following year

While an organisation is in a Platinum Project cycle, they are not required to also complete an AWEI submission. However, a full Index Submission (including the Foundation and Advanced) must be completed at least once in every 3-year iteration with Gold Tier obtained.